Featured Agent: John James

Featured Agent: John James

John has 25 plus years as a business owner. In 2014 he made the decision to focus on the needs of individuals insured by Medicare. This decision has allowed John to maintain up to the minute knowledge of the Medicare market and laws that affect those of us on...
Featured Agent: Deborah Myers

Featured Agent: Deborah Myers

Deborah has been a Licensed Insurance Broker in Washington state for over 12 years. She always does what’s right for the client. Deborah is compassionate about serving her clients. This is most likely due to her being an R.N. with more than 30 years of experience....
June’s Featured Agent: Un Denneny

June’s Featured Agent: Un Denneny

June’s featured Agent is Un Denneny. Here is her story. I was born and raised in South Korea. After graduating from high school, I attended University where I received my Bachelor’s Degree in English and Literature. When I was 23 years old, my family and I...